

Most professionals have a resume, and yet many aren’t communicating their skills and experience to effectively market themselves. You can be excellent at your job and still struggle with how to write a good resume. It’s not about you — it’s about how you’re portraying your qualifications on paper.

Studies have shown that, on average, a recruiter scans each resume for only six seconds before deciding whether or not it belongs in the trash. That means you only get six seconds to make the right impression. And before it even makes it to that point with a recruiter, your resume first has to pass through recruiting software that prioritizes it based on things like formatting and keywords. As you can see, it’s quite the process.

As a professional, you should always know where your resume stands so you can be ready for any career opportunity. TopResume is the leading resume-writing company in the world, and we’ve reviewed hundreds of thousands of resumes. Here are some inside resume-writing tips we’ve discovered along the way.

Many companies use resume-scanning software.

Did you know 93 percent of all hiring managers use resume-scanning software to filter candidates? That’s right. Companies large and small get tons of applications, so they filter candidates by how qualified they are according to their resumes.

This software is called an applicant tracking system (ATS), and it could mean the difference between landing an interview and never hearing back after applying. How does it filter applicants? The ATS scans resumes for how closely a person’s experience and qualifications match the job description. It also factors in education, location, and specific skills. In a way, it’s all about pleasing the system. You might be well-qualified for the position, but the ATS won’t register this if your resume isn’t properly optimized with keywords and formatting.

Formatting and keywords can make or break your application.

When it comes to your resume, looks are everything. With only six seconds to make an impression on a recruiter, you want to make sure your resume is conveying the right information. It should be clean and uncluttered, effectively using bullets and bolding. As one of your most valuable marketing tools, your resume needs to look polished and be easy for the reader to skim.

Keyword optimization is what will determine whether your resume gets through the ATS. If your resume doesn’t clearly spell out your qualifications for the position in terms the company is looking for, why would you expect to be invited to interview for the role? You can take the experience you have and make it applicable to the job you want simply by tweaking the phrasing in your resume. It’s all about telling your career story with words that will resonate with the employer.


Objective feedback on your resume is invaluable.

Sending your resume around to your colleagues, your mentor — even your mom — can make for some inconsistent feedback. Everyone’s opinion is subjective, so it can be hard to know what advice to take to heart and what to disregard. You can avoid all that with a free resume review from TopResume. We’re well-versed in the best resume practices, and we’re happy to take a look at your resume and offer some expert feedback and resume tips.

What will you get from this resume-writing review? We’ll put your resume through ATS software and let you know where you stand on formatting and keyword optimization. We also know exactly how long your resume should be for your experience, the best way to share your contact information, and how to best highlight your achievements. You’ll receive objective feedback on how you’re communicating your skills and expertise, along with personalized recommendations for how to make your resume stronger.

You have valuable skills and experience, so don’t sell yourself short with an ineffective resume.

Get a TopResume resume review to see where you stand and get objective, expert feedback you can trust.