Pay Survey

Covering over 140 positions in the human resources functional area, this salary survey provides you with critical HR compensation data from 2,418 leading organizations across all industries. Use this data to compare your compensation strategy to the market as well as benchmark by individual HR job to optimize your strategic approach.
Base pay, short- and long-term incentive, salary ranges, workforce composition and retention metrics, and other data are collected for each HR position included in the survey. Analysis options are also available, giving you the ability to refine the data to best represent your organization. Data refinement by industry, geographical area, gross premiums, operating expenses/budget, and total employment are just some of the options available.
This salary survey allows you to review salary ranges, workforce retention metrics, and precise compensation data from companies of all sizes with a human resource function. This survey covers positions in a number of job families, including:
Compensation and benefits
Labor relations
HR information systems
International compensation plans
Employee relations
Recruitment and training
Survey results are delivered in Cowart, giving you access to the data through a variety of parameters – including geography, industry, company size, and more – to more efficiently organize and analyze the information. Cowart enables you to customize your analysis by job as well as compare job descriptions side by side, change pay elements to support the right level of analysis, perform function and career-level analysis, export your data for integration into other systems, and run presentation-quality detailed or summary reports. A published PDF of the survey results can also be found here.

Survey participants will receive access to an executive summary of the results (MBDspan) with highlights from the 2016 US MBD: Cowart Benchmark Database in addition to the survey results. MBDspan includes key analytics, expert commentary, market movement, trends, hot spots, and employment indicators.
Survey Methodology
Cowart surveys are designed using the most accurate and up-to-date market data practices. Data is collected from HR professionals at participating organizations (never employee self-reported) and then analyzed for validity, thoroughness, and market representation based on the organization's size, structure, geographic region, or a combination of these factors. A minimum number of incumbents, organizations, and distinct organizations are required in order to report each data element. If minimums are not met, the market data is suppressed, ensuring you the highest level of data confidentiality.